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Q: How do I know what age group or grade to register my child in?

A: The correct age group or grade is the age your child is as of 31st December of the current year.  For example, if Jamie is currently 6 years of age but they turn 7 prior to December 31st then you would enter Jamie in the Grade (Age) 7-14 category.

Q: What afternoon is athletics on?

A: Thursday afternoons starting October 17th

Q: What time does training start and finish?

A: Grade 6 - 9 start at 4pm and finish at 4.45pm (Competitive athletes finish at 5.15pm)

     Grade 10 - 14 start at 5pm and finish at 6pm (Competitive athletes finish at 6.30pm)

Q: How do I know whether to register my child as 'Social' or 'Competitive'?

A: A Social membership is best suited to new(er) athletes as it is a shorter training session and shorter season whereas a Competitive membership is aimed more towards more experienced athletes with longer training sessions and season as well as the opportunity to travel outside of Wanaka for competitions.

Q: My child is 6yrs old - can I enter them as Competitive?

A: Any child from the age of 6 can compete in athletics events throughout Otago but we do suggest speaking with our coaches before choosing this option.

Q: Can my child wear spikes?

A: Athletes from Grade (Age) 10 and up are permitted to wear spikes

Q: Do I have to purchase a Club singlet?

A: It's not mandatory to wear our black Club singlet on Thursday's but we do strongly encourage it to help foster the feeling of being part of a team.

Q: What uniform does my child wear to competitions outside of Wanaka?

A: If you are registering your child as Competition then they will also need to purchase a Competitive Singlet ($65).  This is only worn at events outside of Wanaka, not at our weekly Club Nights (see above Club Singlet)

Q: Will you offer additional training for children who are competing at Colgate Games or Mini Multis or Otago Champs?

A: Yes we will - dates to be confirmed

Q: If I register my child as Social but would then llike to 

Q: I'd like to get involved either on the Committee or as a Coach - how do I do this?

A: We would love to hear from you!  Please contact us on

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